The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

 From that dress you have only worn once at a party and shoes you bought for a one-night party fast fashion maybe kind on our wallets but it’s rough and tough on the environment. An ethical fashion influencer Kelly Novell says the toxic chemicals released during the huge production of cheap clothing are polluting our environment. This fashion industry creates 1.2 billion tons of carbon emissions each year worldwide and transportation combined and it's because we need to be more conscious of what and where we are buying from. Now many sustainable brands produce clothes that lessen harm to the planet and people. These brands are eco-friendly. Another way to reduce pressure on the environment is to go to places that recycle our old clothes and send them to be sold abroad. But lots of people still throw their clothes away an estimated one and a half million tons of clothing are bought in the UK each year and nearly a quarter still goes for dumping. We also purchase clothes from charity shops so we cut down carbon emissions and help to save this planet.

The message of this article is to affection the clothes we have got in our closest and don't rush to buy something new.

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