Simple and Effective Ways of Waste Management at Home

 Waste management at home is the most effective solution to reduce loads of solid waste in landfills. Although it sounds impossible, many people are living a minimum waste lifestyle for years now. Take some simple steps towards this eco-friendly lifestyle and make a huge impact in protecting the environment.
Simple and Effective Ways of Waste Management at Home

Every day, thousands of pounds of household waste are thrown away in landfills. Adding to the endless piles of waste that have been in the environment for centuries. Contaminating the surroundings, destroying fauna and flora, and causing health threats. Buying and throwing is a standard that contributed so much to this global pollution. 

Recycling is a good act to reduce solid waste pollution. This is practiced in many households and supported by many government agencies. But recycling alone is not enough to solve the increasing amount of litter in the environment. There is so much waste to process and we are consuming more than what we can recycle.

Not all solid waste can be recycled fully. There are lots of single-use products and packaging that will always end up in the dump as we have no method for making them useful again. In addition, some waste materials have limited number of recycling due to degradation every time they go through the process. Moreover, recycling still harms the surrounding. Melting metals and plastics to turn them into new products uses a huge amount of energy which increases the carbon footprint in nature. Also, the process produces smoke that pollutes the air and releases toxic chemicals that may find their way into the water and land.

The best way to reduce solid waste is to reduce the products to be recycled. This is possible by preventing waste from coming into our household or waste management. But how?

Simple and Effective Ways of Waste Management at Home

Eliminate single-use items. Note down what you throw after a single-use. The most common wrongdoer of these is disposable water bottles, paper towels, plastic utensils, and drinking straws. The trick here is changing them with reusable items or avoiding using them. For instance, using cloth wipes instead of relying on paper towels to clean up a mess in the kitchen is an eco-friendly option. Bringing a reusable water bottle for drinking instead of buying bottled drinks. Bringing your own utensils to picnic avoid using a plastic spoon and fork when eating outside. And not using plastic straws for your drinks.

Bring reusable cotton bags and when shopping. The amount of plastic trash from groceries is annoying. Almost every item is unnecessarily packed. Avoid buying pre-packed items and use your own bag to carry them. How about wet products such as fish and meat? Bring your own grocery bag. The salesmen may find this weird at first but they will be surely happy to help you especially when they know your reason.

Buy in Bulk form. You don’t only save money by doing this but your environment too. Bulk products are usually inexpensive than buying a single product. Small or per piece things accumulate the amount of packaging used increasing the amount of pollution.

Make your own cleaning products. It’s easier than you think. Most ingredients are in the kitchen. A mixture of vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and a few drops of essential oil for fragrance can be used for cleansing.

Go digital. Ask your bank and utility companies to stop sending you paper billing and instead send them via email. Going digital is more advantageous as you don’t have to deal with losing a piece of paper billing. You can also check your bills online simply. Plus going paperless will surely save lots of trees and the environment.

Waste management is a challenging role. Admitted that it won’t happen overnight. It’s important to take small and simple steps to begin and allow yourself to adapt slowly.

Waste management is a challenging role. Admitted that it won’t happen overnight. It’s important to take small and simple steps to begin and allow yourself to adapt slowly.

10 Ways to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Four billion people worldwide have easy and cheap access to the internet, but all this online connectivity comes with a heavy environmental cost. According to research in 2015, 830 megatons of CO2 were emitted by internet usage alone. So here are a few tips by which you reduce your digital carbon footprint let’s get started.

Delete Old Data

Number one erase your data whatever you do online, information is stored in data centers that require huge amounts of electrical and cooling power. For instance, accessing a video or image online has been estimated to produce up to 12 grams of CO2 each moment. Unfortunately, much of the power used in data centers is wasted keeping information available 24/ 7, 365 days, a year that no longer needs. So, make sure to erase any old accounts Instagram, Facebook, photos, messages, emails and tweets whatever it is declutter your digital footprint by deleting your data, as well as your carbon footprint.

simple Ways to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint.

Cut back on emails

Sending a mail produces about 4 g of CO2. That’s equivalent to driving a vehicle just 24 meters. However, about 300 billion emails are sent, every single day, emitting 438 megatons of CO2 annually, or about half of the internet’s carbon footprint. So, unsubscribe from mailing lists and brands you no longer engage with, stop hitting reply-all, and try to discourage unnecessary mails in your workplace.

Start using Ecosia

Ecosia is a search engine, much like Google, that donates 80% of its advertising revenue to planting trees and they recently surpassed a monumental 100 million trees planted, in over 9000 locations. Ecosia plants the right trees for the ideal places, avoiding monoculture plantations. Ecosia’s data centers even run on solar panels so your searches are actually carbon negative, retaining more CO2 than they emit. Their publicly available financial data, YouTube channel and blog show exactly how they are improving water security, providing habitats for animals and creating green jobs for some of the poorest countries around the world.

Green Charging

When a phone is turned off but still plugged in think about that little green charging light. On its own, it may not use a lot of power, but globally leaving devices on standby arouse a significant environmental cost. You can avoid this wastage by unplugging and turning off your devices when not in use, especially if you will be away from them for more than two hours. You can also set your computer to sleep mode while going to the washroom or making a cup of coffee, which could save up to 90% of the energy compared with leaving it running and also save on your electricity bill!

Downsize your devices.

About half of the internet’s carbon footprint presently comes from end-user devices. Using a smartphone or tablet instead of a computer for simple tasks can save huge amounts of energy.

simple Ways to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint.

Use Click Clean

Some websites servers are powered by near completely renewable energy, while most are definitely not. Luckily, click clean is a Green Peace tool that shows you what percentage of a website or app’s power comes from renewable energy. So, make an informed decision about where you go online. And rest assured, YouTube is one of the cleanest with 78% renewable power, to date.

Turn Down Brightness

By lowering your brightness, the battery would not run down so fast and you will save energy from charging it.

Stop smoking near your computer. 

Strange as it may sound, cigarette smoke can block up computer fans, greatly increasing the power-packed to keep them cool and killing their lifespan. So, try to cut the cigarettes for your body, your computer and your planet’s health and also be sure to regularly clear your devices of dust, even if you’re not a smoker.

Reduce Reuse and Recycle

Reduce, reuse and recycle your computing devices take care of your current electronics and repair them before buying a new one if you do have to buy new recycle old devices and cables so they don't end up in landfills and new devices. Keep in your mind that you will always leave a footprint when you use the internet.  However, these tips will help you to control your digital footprint.


Remember, as always but especially during this global pandemic situation, to look after yourselves, your elders, and most importantly, the planet around you.

simple Ways to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint.

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