11 Green Industries with Amazing Environmental Initiatives


Salesforce, a CRM company has three types of environments. Production Environmental unit, Development Environmental unit and Testing Environmental unit. Production environmental unit: store the live data that is actively used to run your business. Development Environmental unit: It is where you can extend, integrate and develop on force without affecting your production environments. Testing Environmental unit: Production or Development Environments specifically used for testing application functionality before setting out to production.

Salesforce company corporate commitments to help attain a climate turning point by 2020.


Reducing environmental impact is a goal of Nike’s production process, and it can be seen in the stack of the latest releases in footwear and apparel. They are applying the upcycling approach, taking the old product and grinding it up to be used in new pants, jackets, and shoes is just one of many ways that Nike helps close the circle and fight climate change. 


One of Apple's biggest titles in the last couple of years is that it now runs on 100% renewable energy. According to Apple’s most recent environmental impact report, approximately 66% of that renewable energy comes from projects owned by Apple, like their massive solar roof. The other 34%, however, is a mix of direct purchasing from renewable services and buying renewable energy certificates. In the future, they are providing a leader in the tech field when it comes to renewable energy and sustainability.

 Burt’s Bees

The company focuses on three main fields — lowering its impact on climate change, preserving precious resources and using more safer materials in products and processes. Their iconic honeybee logo shows the makeup company’s commitment to the environment. Its 2018 Sustainability Goals revised also apply to its parent corporation, The Clorox Company.


As far as sustainable companies go, Disney is huge. It uses zero net greenhouse gas emission policies in all of its facilities. They are currently building two ships that will use over 80 thousand lights and all of these lights will be fluorescent or LED to cut down on the number of emissions. The emission of greenhouse gases will be reduced by over twenty-five percent in these new ships compared to the current ships that are in the water today overall the company has reduced their emissions by 44% in 2018 and they'll hit 50 percent by 2020. They also used alternative fuels to reduce their impact on the environment.


Transforming an old Starbucks cup into a new Starbucks cup, it's not a magic trick. There's a systematic and scientific method behind turning paper waste into the food-grade fiber, into new products and reusable possibilities. That means you drink your Starbucks coffee from a cup made with a fiber that was manufactured using a prior Starbucks cup. This iconic Starbucks cup holds more than just well-crafted coffee. It holds the potential of how powerful post-consumer recycling can be. However, Starbucks is developing an environment friendly container to double the cups’ recycled content and reusability by 2020.


Dell first started its traditions of Good Plan in 2013 to use technology to drive human progress and advance health, happiness and prosperity. In 2020, Dell’s tradition of Good Plan looks at its long-term commitment to society, its team members, and the environment.


Equalizing cars with sustainability don’t always compute with some consumers, but Honda is changing the narrative and becoming a sustainable company. Honda has a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% from the automobiles, motorcycle and power products it produces when comparing levels from 2000 to 2020.


Although IKEA is known for less-expensive furniture and DIY. This green company has new items that help people cut their electricity and water use, such as a tap nozzle. IKEA has also introduced environment friendly materials into the production process, which will lower costs and help the environment.

The North Force

The North Face produces a wide range of clothing lines from streetwear and t-shirts to full-body snowsuits that look like wearable sleeping bags. The North Face’s environmental reach is through its manufacturing and production processes.


Patagonia an apparel company. People have long known Patagonia as an influencer and environmentally conscious company focused on conservation. It’s one of the largest funders of environmentalist causes, and it gives 1% of all sales to ecological grants and organizations. Plus, Patagonia encourages its customer for repairing old clothes for free. Meaning you won't have to throw it away or buy a new one. But if companies that produce things, we need are more like them, we will be in a far better zone. Customers buy and sell their worn clothes, and it even repairs used clothing so other consumers can wear it.

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